Learning from Joburg with Lindsay


Get to know our work!

Each member of upZ has a different background that allows us to get a different take on our city.

Check out what Lindsay thinks about topics like urbanization and inequality, in South Africa and beyond:

Howe, LB (2021) Thinking through People: The Potential of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Urban Studies. OnlineFirst. doi:10.1177/0042098020982251

Howe, LB (2021) The Spatiality of Poverty and Popular Agency in the GCR: Constituting an Extended Urban Region. Urban Geography. Open access OnlineFirst. doi: 10.1080/02723638.2021.1922200

Howe, LB (2018) Paradigm Johannesburg: Control and insurgency in South African urban development. International Development Planning Review 40(4), Liverpool University Press, 349-369.


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